=== WP Project Manager - Project, Task Management & Team Collaboration Software === Contributors: tareq1988, nizamuddinbabu, wedevs, asaquzzaman Donate Link: https://tareq.co/donate/ Tags: project, project manager, project management, web project management, task manager, online collaboration tool, Requires at least: 4.4 or higher Tested up to: 5.7.1 Requires PHP: 5.6 Stable tag: 2.4.12 License: GPLv2 or later License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html WP Project Manager - Task scheduling, Project management, Team collaboration is easier than ever. == Description == **Best Project Management Tool for WordPress** Being one of the most advanced project management and task management tools for WordPress, [WP Project Manager comes](https://wedevs.com/wp-project-manager-pro) with some of the exceptional features that turn your project management experience of your teammates a joyful ride. Super-charge your productivity creating, organizing and assigning tasks within a few clicks. Its user-friendly interface and web-based task management feature enable the user to complete their to-dos quicker than ever. [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GI4u8wXOxHg] Effortlessly get your team to complete all the projects timely with its time tracking tool and generate an advanced performance report with its built-in reporting feature absolutely hassle-free. This cutting edge innovative project management solution is termed as one of the more reliable open source Project Manager software for WordPress. So now you can through your headache of being able to manage the project efficiently out of the window with this super-efficient project management application. Want to give it a try? Then try its ๐Ÿ‘‰ [FREE OFFICIAL DEMO](https://pm.wedevsdemos.com) **Key Features** **To-do List** * Add as many to-do lists as you want with title and description * Add tasks, assign users, assign a due date * See progress bar on the list * Add comments on individual to-do lists and to-doโ€™s * Mark to-do as complete/incomplete **Milestone** * 3 types of milestones are there, a) upcoming, b) completed and c) late milestone * Assign messages and to-do list on milestone **Messages** * Messages are used for discussing the project with co-workers of that project * You can add attachments on messages * Comments can be made for discussion **Files** * File sharing feature to ensure better understanding and workflow between co-workers. * Upload all files on messages and comments and navigate to individual attached threads. * Upload and share any file anytime in one place (Pro). **Notification** * Email notification to keep the users updated about their assigned, upcoming or outdated tasks. * Control who will receive which notification from settings (Pro). **Pusher Integration** * Get a real-time notification for your project management activities with push notifications. * You will receive notifications for assigning team members, mentioning in comments, creating tasks, and updating task status. ๐Ÿ‘‰ [Learn more about all the functions and features from our documentation](https://wedevs.com/docs/wp-project-manager/). **Pro Features** [**Managing projects from frontend**](https://wedevs.com/docs/wp-project-manager/managing-projects-from-wp-project-manager-frontend/) * Let your users be able to view your projects from the frontend * Manage projects without going to backend interface. **[Kanban Board for WordPress](https://wedevs.com/products/plugins/wp-project-manager-pro/kanban-board/)** * Create unlimited custom boards according to your need * Drag and drop tasks from one board to another anytime * Create new task right from any board whenever you want * Get an exact idea of the current stages of all the tasks from one place **[Gantt Chart for WordPress](https://wedevs.com/products/plugins/wp-project-manager-pro/gantt-chart/)** * Observe the duration of the tasks through horizontal bar graphs * Change beginning and finishing dates of the tasks or projects * Assess dependencies among different tasks and subtasks **[Time Tracker](https://wedevs.com/products/plugins/wp-project-manager-pro/time-tracker/)** * Timer with start, stop or pause feature for every task. * Calculation and tracking of time spent on a task. * Payment for hourly charged workers is made easy. **[Invoice for Charging Clients](https://wedevs.com/products/plugins/wp-project-manager-pro/invoice/)** * Invoices will be automatically formatted based on your input * Upon a payment completion, the amount will be added to your account and the invoice will be automatically marked as paid * Invoices can be downloaded as pdf **[BuddyPress for WordPress](https://wedevs.com/products/plugins/wp-project-manager-pro/buddypress/)** * Create different tasks for different teams * Set administrative staffs with access over all departments * Set different permissions for different employee roles. * Manage everything from the front end of your site **[SubTask for more simple task management system](https://wedevs.com/products/plugins/wp-project-manager-pro/sub-task/)** * Break your long tasks into as many portion as you need. * Assign several workers for several tasks. **[WooCommerce Integration](https://wedevs.com/products/plugins/wp-project-manager-pro/woocommerce-order/)** * You can create a project automatically after the order or the payment is processed. * Control which product will create what type of project and task. * Add and manage user roles like co-workers, managers, and clients to the Projects and Tasks. **[Slack Integration](https://wedevs.com/docs/wp-project-manager/integrations/slack/)** * Integrate your WP Project Manager Pro with the best workspace communication tool - Slack * Get instant notifications on your Slack channels when a new task, subtask, comment is created or an existing one is modified. And also when a task is completed or a new co-worker is added. **[GitHub and Bitbucket Integration](https://wedevs.com/docs/wp-project-manager/integrations/github-bitbucket/)** * Connect your GitHub and Bitbucket account with WP Project Manager easily. * When issues will be created on your GitHub and Bitbucket account, it will be added to your task list. So, your developer team can take action in time. **[Reports](https://wedevs.com/docs/wp-project-manager/reports/view-reports/)** * To make your project management efficient, you need to have reports for tasks and user activities. It will help you to make the right decisions for your projects and team. * You will get several predefined report cases depending on the user activities. The reports are very much self-explanatory. The reports are very much self-explanatory. You will get, **1. Overdue Tasks** **2. Completed Task** **3. User Activities** **4. Task by Milestone** **5. Unassigned Tasks** **6. Summary** ๐Ÿ‘‰ [GET WP PROJECT MANAGER PRO](https://wedevs.com/wp-project-manager-pro/pricing) **STANDOUT FUNCTIONALITIES OF WP PROJECT MANAGER** = EFFICIENT TASK MANAGER WITH INTUITIVE INTERFACE = Manage all types of tasks and projects with the least time possible. The interactive user-friendly interface will not only give you a smooth experience but also assist you to boost the overall efficiency. = TEAM COLLABORATION MADE EASY = With built-in discussion thread and file sharing option, make the most out of teamwork without any hassle. Easily work simultaneously with remote teams with this team collaboration tool for WordPress. = BEST FIT FOR ANY KIND OF TEAMS = No matter which team or organization you are running, WP Project Manager ensures the best outcome from all kinds of teams. This is why this plugin has become the favorite open source project management software for every team and individuals. = FULL CONTROL OVER PRIVACY AND SECURITY = No compromise with privacy and permission among the tasks or projects. With user role customization and team permission feature (Pro), manage who can see or who can manage which project very easily. = PERSONAL DASHBOARD FOR USERS = Everyone gets their own dashboard to stay updated about tasks in the most organized way. From this personal board, a user will be able to access only the projects and tasks he is allowed to see. **So still wondering why WP Project Manager should be your first choice in task management plugins?** ๐Ÿ‘‰ [Check out this complete comparison of WP Project Manager with other popular project management solutions.](https://wedevs.com/wp-project-manager-pro/compare/) ๐Ÿ‘‰ [Learn more about all the functions and features from our documentation.](https://wedevs.com/docs/wp-project-manager/) = SEE HOW WP PROJECT MANAGER HAS BEEN RECOGNIZED BY THE TOP SITES = 1. [Top 6 WordPress Project Management Plugins](https://kinsta.com/blog/wordpress-project-management-plugins/) 2. [Top 23 WordPress Plugins for Freelancers to Improve Their Workflow](https://colorlib.com/wp/freelance-plugins-wordpress/) 3. [Top 8 Project Management Plugins For WordPress](https://www.elegantthemes.com/blog/tips-tricks/top-8-project-management-plugins-for-wordpress) 4. [Project Management Tools for WordPress to Help You Stay on Track](https://premium.wpmudev.org/blog/project-management-tools/) = LEARN HOW YOU CAN LEVERAGE YOUR PRODUCTIVITY TOOL TO THE FULLEST = 1. [How weDevs Has Been Using WP Project Manager Successfully For Collaboration](https://wedevs.com/145814/how-wedevs-has-been-using-wp-project-manager-successfully-for-collaboration/) 2. [How Project Management Tools Help You Reach Milestones](https://wedevs.com/120384/how-project-management-tools-help-reach-milestones/) 3. [How WP Project Manager Makes Managing Milestones Even Better](https://wedevs.com/104306/manage-milestones-wordpress-project-manager/) 4. [How To Use WordPress Project Manager To Build A Successful Remote Team Painlessly](https://wedevs.com/89644/how-to-use-wordpress-project-manager-to-build-a-successful-remote-team-painlessly/) 5. [Create Project Automatically for Your WooCommerce Order & Save Time](https://wedevs.com/100764/create-projects-automatically-woocommerce-order/) **CONTRIBUTE** If you think you can help develop this plugin even better then you can always more than welcome to contribute to this project. Please fork the repository from [Github](https://github.com/weDevsOfficial/wp-project-manager). **OUR VALUABLE CONTRIBUTORS** * French translation by Corentin allard * Dutch translation by eskamedia * Brazilian Portuguese translation by Anderson * German translation by Alexander Pfabel * Spanish translation by Luigi Libet * Indonesian translation by hirizh * Polish translation by Jacek Synowiec **CHECKOUT OUR OTHER AWESOME PRODUCTS** * [Dokan โ€“ Multivendor Marketplace Plugin](https://wedevs.com/dokan/?utm_medium=referral&utm_source=wporg&utm_campaign=Project+Manager+Readme&utm_content=Dokan+Multivendor+Marketplace) * [WP User Frontend Pro](https://wedevs.com/wp-user-frontend-pro/?utm_medium=referral&utm_source=wporg&utm_campaign=Project+Manager+Readme&utm_content=WP+User+Frontend+Pro) * [WordPress ERP](https://wperp.com/?utm_medium=referral&utm_source=wporg&utm_campaign=Project+Manager+Readme&utm_content=WPERP) * [WooCommerce Conversion Tracking](https://wedevs.com/woocommerce-conversion-tracking/) * [weMail](https://getwemail.io/) * [AppSero](https://appsero.com/) * [Happy Addons](https://happyaddons.com/?utm_source=wedevs&utm_medium=menu) * [wePos](https://wedevs.com/wepos) == Privacy Policy == WP Project Manager uses [Appsero](https://appsero.com) SDK to collect some telemetry data upon user's confirmation. This helps us to troubleshoot problems faster & make product improvements. Appsero SDK **does not gather any data by default.** The SDK only starts gathering basic telemetry data **when a user allows it via the admin notice**. We collect the data to ensure great user experience for all our users. Integrating Appsero SDK **DOES NOT IMMEDIATELY** start gathering data, **without confirmation from users in any case.** Learn more how [Appsero collects and uses this data](https://appsero.com/privacy-policy/). Additionally, read weDevs [privacy policy](https://wedevs.com/privacy-policy/) for a better idea. == Installation == Extract the zip file and just drop the contents in the wp-content/plugins/ directory of your WordPress installation and then activate the Plugin from Plugins page. == Frequently Asked Questions == = Q. Why doesn't it shows up in frontend = A. Currently all the project management options resides in the admin panel. No functionality shows up in frontend right now. = Q. Who can create projects? = A. Only Editors and Admin's can create projects and edit them. = Q. Who can create tasklist, todo, messages or milestone? = A. Admins and every co-workers from a project can create these. = Q. Can every member see every project? = A. Only admins (editor/administrator) can see all of them. Other user roles can only see their assigned projects. = Q. Can the plugin be extended? = A. Sure, lots of actions and filters are added by default and will add more of them. = Q. Found a bug = A. Found any bugs? Please create an [issue](https://github.com/tareq1988/wp-project-manager/issues) on github. == Screenshots == 1. Project dashboard. You can see all your projects from here and can create new one. 2. New project creation pop-up window 3. Project overview page. See the activities going on in a single page at a glance. 4. Project actvities feeds grouped by date. See what you or your team has done in a project. 5. To-do list page. View all your to-do lists and to-do's inside them. 6. Create to-do list form 7. Create a task in a to-do list. Add task title, additional details, assign multiple users and set dates. 8. Discussions page. Discuss with your team with various topics. 9. Single discussion thread. Hop-in to a discussion and brainstorm with your team. 10. Milestones page. Set milestones for a project and assign tasks, discussions on them and see the progress of that milestone. Mark complete once its done. 11. See all the shared files across various to-do lists, to-do's and comments. All the attached files can be found in one place. 12. Project settings -> General Tab 13. Project Settings -> Email Settings Tab == Changelog == = v2.4.12 - May 07, 2021 = **Notice** Limited time promotion on account of Eid. = v2.4.11 - March 17, 2021 = **Notice** Limited time promotion for weDevsโ€™ birthday. = v2.4.10 - Feb 13, 2021 = **Fix** Vulnerable security issue. = v2.4.9 - Jan 26, 2021 = **Fix** Email notification was showing the wrong task completed user name. **Fix** Every member can see every project. **Fix** First-time task lists were not loading from the notification email. **Update** Alignment problem when creating the new project. = v2.4.8 - Dec 18, 2020 = **Update** Task query updated for filtering tasks by complete_at date range. **Fix** Completed tasks were not showing on my-task. **Fix** Made the icons inline alignment on the subtask create form. = v2.4.7 - Dec 10, 2020 = **Update** PSR-4 standard. **Fix** Project pagination was not working when all projects are deleted from the current page. **Fix** Fixed the task pagination problem. It was not working when a task is deleted. = v2.4.6 - Nov 21, 2020 = **Fix** User capability is not chanting after save it. **Fix** User can not access their reports from my-task. **Fix** Email footer logo is not appearing. = v2.4.5 - Nov 11, 2020 = **New** Help tooltip in single task. **Update** Rewrite email template. **Fixed** Pagination back button is not working for project page. = v2.4.4 - Oct 08, 2020 = **New** Introduce new library simshaun/recurr. **New** Added the remove format option in project manager text editor. **Fixed** In text editor, after type '@' the list of users exceeds outside of the modal. **Fix** Task assigned all users can change the task type. **Fix** User can not delete their own created task comments. **Fix** Remove the HTML tag from milestone title. = v2.4.3 - Sep 10, 2020 = **Update** In dashboard project menu bar has been rearranged. **Update** In single task now user can navigate to project and task list. **Fix** Co-worker can not be deleted in self created task comment. **Fix** In frontend project manager date picker was not showing in single task. **Fix** In my task, task create form did not change the list even the project has been change. **Fix** Project title was missing from my-task. = v2.4.2 - Aug 26, 2020 = * **Fix** Single task popup is not appearing. = v2.4.1 - Aug 25, 2020 = * **New** Add new task type for individual task. * **Fix** During task update the date picker was not showing. * **Fix** Was not able to delete the task list description. * **Fix** Optimize code for security issue. * **Fix** Task list title was not able to update. * **Fix** Completed project was not able to restore. = v2.4.0 - Jul 17, 2020 = * **New** Component for pm-vue2-daterange-picker, pm-button, pm-do-slot. * **New** Change all date picker from all forms. * **New** Manage do-action content without any wrapper. * **New** API end point is now working for all permalink. * **Update** UI/UX for creating new task. * **Update** UI/UX for add new members from single task popup. * **Update** UI/UX for task due date from single task popup. * **Fix** Could not download files from the project. = v2.3.11 - Jun 16, 2020 = * **Fix** API end point is now working for all permalink. * **Fix** My-task calendar missing current date task. * **Fix** In my-task, The task is not updating after user closing the single task popup. * **Fix** In My- task user can not select the date range during task create time. * **Fix** User can not delete self created task-list. * **Fix** In content text should not break in middle of the word (style change break-all to break-word). = v2.3.10 - May 05, 2020 = * **Fix** Task load more is not working for co-worker. = v2.3.9 - Apr 30, 2020 = * **New** New function for getting tasks, messages, milestones, discussions, projects, comments, files, users. * **New** Project description shows upon clicking on the description button. * **Update** Load more buttons showing twice after deleting completed task. * **Fix** On My task overview graph showing error when there are no task. * **Fix** Task assigned date is not showing in a single task popup. * **Fix** Progress bar continue loading after clicking on Clear button on the task filter. = v2.3.8 - Mar 12, 2020 = * **New** Add fileter for removing project unique title. * **Fix** Fixing Multiside completable issues. * **Update** Update query for fetching users to make Multi-site compatible. = v2.3.7 - Feb 27, 2020 = * **Fix** In favorite project section 'all projects' were showing. * **Fix** Task notification mails contains raw html. * **Fix** Set 200 character limit when adding a new task. = v2.3.6 - Feb 10, 2020 = * **New** Set date range picker in my-task section to filter tasks. * **New** Set date range picker in my-task overview to filter activities. * **New** Duplicate a task from task-list. * **New** New components are, pm-button, pm-dropdown-menu, pm-triangle-box, pm-click-wrap, pm-popup-modal, pm-date-range-picker. * **Update** Redesigned task-create form. * **Update** Replace jQuery date picker to date range picker. * **Update** Some features are moved from task create form to single task page. * **Fix** Assigned manager in a project was not getting mail at project create time. * **Fix** Make Multi-site compatible for fetching co-worker. * **Fix** Invisible tools menu for co-worker. * **Fix** Co-workers could not edit their created task. * **Fix** 'Inbox' task create form was showing for all pagination page. * **Fix** Showing invalid date after search outstanding task. * **Fix** Favorite project was not working. = v2.3.5 - Dec 19, 2019 = * **New** Add privacy policy in product description. * **Fix** Sanitize data while updating task. * **Fix** Add extra data validation on database query. = v2.3.4 - Nov 15, 2019 = * **Fix** Task label are inserted two times while updating task. * **Fix** Task update buttons can not be selected for tooltip. * **Update** Project assigned users has been removed from user search results. * **Update** Add text limit on task title. = v2.3.3 - Nov 10, 2019 = * **New** Integrate with Pusher for real time notification. * **New** Include seeder for project, task-list and task. * **New** Set filter in project fetch 'join' and 'where' query. * **Fix** Task update popover menu used to break when task title was long. * **Update** Reset button on task-list search. = v2.3.2 - Oct 10, 2019 = * **Fix** Conflict with elementor. * **Update** Toastr library. = v2.3.1 - Sep 26, 2019 = * **New** User can create new task from my-task section. * **New** Sorting my-task table column. * **Update** My-tasks menu is not appear in front-end. * **Update** Reduce loading executing time for project home page. * **Update** Refactoring code for getting projects data. = v2.3.0 - Sep 09, 2019 = * **New** Remove current task, outstanding task and completed task tabs from my tasks. * **New** Advanced task filtering option according to current task, outstanding task and completed task in my tasks section. * **New** pm_capabilities, pm_role_project, pm_role_project_capabilities, pm_role_project_users table for permission management. * **Update** Change single task popup url from my-task to single task lists. * **Fix** Progress load more is not working. = v2.2.4 - Jul 22, 2019 = * **New** Task title field in task list search form. * **Fix** Task sorting is not working. * **Fix** Prevent sorting for default task list (Inbox). * **Update** Showing 'more task' button even there is not task. = v2.2.3 - Jul 15, 2019 = * **Update** Task list search query. * **Fix** After drag and drop task is not updating from my-task calendar. * **Fix** Milestone disapear after reloding the page. = v2.2.2 - Jun 28, 2019 = * **New** Action hook in task list page 'pm_after_task_content'. * **New** Event initiation after task user update 'after_update_single_task_user'. * **New** Action hook before delete task list 'pm_before_delete_task_list'. * **Update** User gets mail at task updating time even the task is not updated. * **Update** Archived tasks will not appear on MyTask calendar. * **Update** New tasks are listing in the descending order in the task lists. * **Fix** User can remove administrator from manage capability permission. * **Fix** Inbox task list does not appear at the top of the task lists. * **Fix** compact(): undefined index variable problem for php 7.3 * **Fix** Text domain 'pm' to 'wedevs-project-manager'. * **Fix** Task lists menu is not activating while clicking pagination. = v2.2.1 - Jun 14, 2019 = * **Fix** Fatal error undefined function. = v2.2.0 - Jun 14, 2019 = * **New** Added my task menu from where individual users can check their completed, current and outstanding tasks. * **Fix** Assigned users can not find the task description. * **Fix** Add new user in project does not appear in task users dropdown at task create or edit time. * **Fix** A newly added user in a project did not appear in the dropdown i.e in the list of users while adding, creating or editing a task. * **Fix** User can not udpate task comment from single task popup. * **Fix** A newly added user does not appear in project update form. = v2.1.0 - May 18, 2019 = * **New** Trello Integration. * **Fix** Fixed co-worker & client create task activities. * **Fix** Removed usermap from global setting. * **Fix** Removed unnecessary dashicons and added title to files. * **Fix** Resolved conflict from setting header. * **Fix** Fixed project edit form get closed when user click out side. = v2.0.15 - May 02, 2019 = * **Fix** Load more Completed & Incompleted task. * **Fix** Pagination slug of completed task. * **Fix** Optimize task queries for retrieving task ids. * **Fix** The naming of variable "$milestones" to "$milestone" at filter 'pm_milestone_show_query' = v2.0.14 - April 11, 2019 = * **New** Included filter at task activity and after create comment. * **Update** Remove search user minimum 3 character condition. * **Update** Remove tooltip from list view and kanboard view button. * **Update** Migrated from icomoon to Flaticon. * **Fix** API authentication problem. * **Fix** Some textdomain. = v2.0.13 - March 04, 2019 = * **New** Set loading effect for 'Load more' task. * **New** Set loading effect at task list page and list archive page nevigation. * **New** Set loading effect at task list pagination. * **New** New library v-tooltip * **Fix** Any kinds of url added extra ย  from tinymce text filed. * **Fix** After project edit, the description is not updated real time. * **Fix** Less file is not built to css file. * **Update** Set target blank in tinymce posted url. = v2.0.12 - Feb 15, 2019 = * **New** New filter welcome page redirect. * **Fix** Task pagination did not work. * **Fix** Close button did not work in new project form. * **Fix** Milestone due date did not update. * **Update** Set permission at user create time from project overview page. = v2.0.11 - Feb 08, 2019 = * **New** Integrate with popper js. * **New** Welcome page. * **New** Premium page. * **Fix** Change task list fetch query. * **Fix** Change task fetch query. * **Fix** File upload problem from discussion section. * **Fix** After close single task the list page is refreshing. * **Fix** Remove html tag from email content. * **Fix** Color picker does not work. = v2.0.10 - Dec 19, 2018 = * **Hotfix** Fatal error at page and post edit time. = v2.0.9 - Dec 19, 2018 = * **New** Update user from overview page. * **New** Move tasks from one list to another. * **Update** Permission for project delete. * **Fix** Project update time dialog-box close automatically. * **Fix** Conflict with text editor and datepicker problem for task create. * **Fix** Date-picker auto close, when select a date. * **Fix** Coding standard according wordpress. = v2.0.8 - Nov 29, 2018 = * **New** Project home page redesign. * **New** Close single task popup with ESC button. * **New** Single task popup is enable from activity page. * **Update** Task filter form alignment. * **Fix** Relative date for comments. * **Fix** Tabindex for texteditor. * **Fix** Latest activity for single task. * **Fix** More task button missing from completed tasks. * **Fix** Date picker auto hide problem. * **Fix** Task list responsive issue. * **Remove** Slicknav library. = v2.0.7 - Nov 08, 2018 = * **New** Switch project with key binding cmd+j/clt+j. * **New** Task list page redesign. * **New** Single task list page redesign. * **New** System default task list inbox. * **New** All description fields with validation and sanitization at edit time. * **New** Project title should be unique. * **Fix** Task filter query. * **Fix** Task and task-list sorting supported in mobile. = v2.0.6 - Oct 02, 2018 = * **New** Set permission setting for user mail notification. * **New** Task single page redesign. * **New** Show activity in single task page. * **New** Projects can mark as favourite by users. * **New** Added completed_by and completed_at fields in pm_tasks database table. * **New** Added status field in pm_broad database table. * **New** Support for video file upload. * **New** New user notification. * **New** Advanced task filter from task list page. * **New** Set deleted activity log in activity section. * **Fix** Invalid time issue in activity page. * **Fix** Overview graph for last 3o days activity * **Fix** Get email notification when update discussion = v2.0.5 - August 16, 2018 = * **New** Added filters for getting custom query in all transformers. * **New** Project description in html format. * **Fix** Undefined task title from activity. * **Fix** Single task popup close automatically. * **Fix** Activity count when delete an element. * **Fix** Manage capability return false, when user role is not found. * **Fix** Some translation issues. * **Fix** Some compatibility issue on internet explorer. * **Fix** Task assignee input field is not updating when assignee user field is Empty * **Fix** Task list milestone input field is not updating when milestone is Empty = v2.0.4 - July 27, 2018 = * **Fix** Download link for wedevs project manager php-5.6. = v2.0.3 - July 27, 2018 = * **New** List drag, drop and reorder. * **New** Task independently switch in task lists. * **New** Added categry pagination. * **Fix** Date format problem for task and overviews graph. * **Update** Activity date format change. * **Update** Load All Categories in select form. * **Update** Load all HTTP request with GET and POST methods. = v2.0.2 - July 23, 2018 = * **New** Create function for getting individual task. * **New** Hook for all CRUD (Create, Read, Update and Delete) * **Fix** Task complete and incomplete issues in microsoft edge browser. * **Fix** Pagination set -1 for per page and its getting error. * **Fix** Multisite installation and upgrade. * **Fix** Translation for vue files. * **Fix** Fetch project in single task page. * **Fix** Reduce conflict with WPERP plugin. * **Fix** JS make compitable with IE>8. = v2.0.1 - Jun 29, 2018 = * **Fix:** Fix database migration problem upon updating the plugin. = v2.0 - Jun 28, 2018 = * **BREAKING**: This **v2.0** release is a major version and introduces breaking changes by re-writing the whole plugin. Please test the plugin before updating from v1.x. Taking a **database backup** is adviced. * **New:** REST API added. Now you can access everything of project manager via the API. Creating of mobile apps would be much easier. * **New:** Moved from custom post type to custom database tables, which performs a lot faster. * **New:** We have re-written the Project Management UI, powered by [Vue.js](https://vuejs.org/). This introduces a SPA (Single Page Application) with blazing fast page loading and a snappier user experience. * **Bug Fixes:** We have also squashed a lot pesky bugs under the hood. = 1.6.16 - Jun 11, 2018 = * [fixed] Project title is overlaping on RTL language. * [fixed] Could not select project category while creating/editing a project. * [fixed] Single task is not re-rendering = 1.6.15 - May 10, 2018 = * [fixed] Task list is not showing when using the Internet Explorer browser. * [fixed] Projects dashboard display missing alignment. * [Update] Improved plugins text domain. = 1.6.14 - April 26, 2018 = * [fixed] Task is not showing after clicking on a task from the calendar. * [fixed] Mail notificaation system not working. * [fixed] Category menu selection while creating project not working on RLT. * [fixed] RTL display missing alignment on milestone. = 1.6.13 - April 12, 2018 = * [fixed] RTL display missing alignment. * [fixed] Settings menu is not showing properly on projects header. * [fixed] Project settings page translation not working. = 1.6.12 - March 22, 2018 = * [fixed] Showing HTML markup in task descriptions when we enter plain text. * [fixed] To-do list, Discussion, milestone, page translation not working. * [fixed] Projects page translation not working. * [update] Improved plugin strings. = 1.6.11 - February 26, 2018 = * [fix] Notify users while commenting in a task. * [fix] Trix-editor intregration with the WP ERP. * [fix] Compatible with the Microsoft Edge browser. * [fix] Task re-ordering. * [fix] Project list and grid view compatible with all browsers. = 1.6.10 - November 27, 2017 = * [new] Vuejs loading made compact. * [new] Included vuejs in project file. * [update] Included file download attributes. * [update] Notify manager when updating comments. * [fix] Navigate to a task from the calendar. * [fix] User search problem fixed when creating a project. * [fix] Text editor style problem fixed. = 1.6.9 - August 24, 2017 = * [fix] CPM free loader class active after loading WP all plugins * [fix] All co-workers get mail after completed the task * [new] weForms Upsell Class = 1.6.8 - August 17, 2017 = * [fix] Prevent the loading trix-editor for all WP page. * [fix] Text formating retained got from others editor. * [fix] Creating second task does change the date of first task. * [new] Add new component cpm-datepicker = 1.6.7 - August 01, 2017 = * [new] Js Tiptip library has been added. * [update] Condition applied when showing calender on setting tast start date. * [update] Date icon has been shown if no date was set. * [update] Description icon has been shown if no description was set. * [update] Co-Worker icon has been shown if no Co-Worker was set in the task. * [fix] Double date picker shown at task date update time. * [fix] Undefined index errors. = 1.6.6 - July 31, 2017 = * [new] Task title update from single task page. * [new] Task privacy update from single task page. * [new] Task description update from single task page. * [new] Task start and end date update from single task page. * [new] Add user/co-worker/client from single task page. * [fix] Unable to complete task. * [fix] When complete a task then this completed task shown double in the to-do list. * [fix] Double "New To-Do" button shown. * [update] 'Get project id' function always return false. * [update] Design change for single task page. = 1.6.5 - July 6, 2017 = * [fix] Co-worker can not show the list corner menu. * [fix] Co-Worker could not notifying when add or update project. * [fix] Double "New To-Do" button shown and also cpm-new-todolist-form has shown when clicked "New To-Do" List button. * [fix] Project create permission. * [fix] Get complete and incomplete task query * [fix] Change routing effect at todo-list page to another page = 1.6.4 - June 22, 2017 = * [new] Task list view on the right corner in to-do list section. * [update] Notify co-workers on task completion. * [update] Task update action hook. * [update] Style sheets updated. * [update] Some javascript refactored. * [fix] Wrong color is showing for a task on basis of task competion status. * [fix] PHP warning on project overview. * [fix] PHP warning on my task overview. = 1.6.3 - June 07, 2017 = * [new] Drag and drop sortability added to the task * [update] Task color scheme. * [update] Activity graph color scheme in my task section. * [update] Single task redirection in my task section. * [update] Project duplication. * [update] Project overview section. * [fix] Grid/List view action on project listing is not working. * [fix] Project overview graph is not working. * [fix] Not all users of a project is being duplicated when duplicating a project. * [fix] Notification is sent to the co-workers when a project is created. * [fix] Unable to comment in a task when it is redirected from current task in my task. * [fix] Unable to comment in a task when it is redirected from outstanding task in mytask. * [fix] Unable to comment in a task when it is redirected from competed task in my task. * [fix] User selection is not working in my task. * [fix] Date section is not working in activity graph in my task. * [fix] Red color is showing for current task in my task. * [fix] Overview section in my task is not working * [fix] Activity section in my task is not working * [fix] Current task section in my task is not working * [fix] Outstanding task section in my task is not working * [fix] Completed task section in my task is not working * [fix] File attachment is not working when commenting in the file section of a project. * [fix] Unable to delete a comment in the file section of a project. * [fix] Commenting in a discussion board is not working. * [fix] Editing a comment in a discussion board is not working. * [fix] Deleting a comment in a discussion board is not working. * [fix] Javascript shows error when commenting, editing comments and deleting comments in discussion board. = 1.6.2 - April 27, 2017 = * [new] Email template for mentioning users in a comment. [pro] * [new] Moment js dependency added. * [new] Compatibility for mentioning users in a comment. * [update] Include filter for register project post type. * [update] Include filter for register project taxonomy. * [update] Change pagination position from left to right. * [update] Pagination has been shown up and down of to-do lists content. * [update] Single task url. * [update] To-do lists progress bar. * [update] Unnecessary parameters removed form wp_enqueue_script in cpm. * [update] Array declaration according to lower version of php. * [fix] Canโ€™t use function return value in write context. * [fix] Syntax error, unexpected '[' * [fix] Filtering for to-do lists private view. * [fix] Filtering problem for the visibility of to-do lists create button. * [fix] List style problem in tiny-MCE comment box while commenting on discussion board. * [fix] WP nonce problem in project discussion. = 1.6.1 - April 11, 2017 = * [fix] Load JS files only in todo list page * [fix] Fix typo in todo list privacy checking capability * [fix] Shortcode rendering in comments * [fix] Remove users from notification panel outside of the project members * [fix] Removed PHP array shorthand declaration * [fix] Single task URL problem in My Task = 1.6 - April 08, 2017 = * [new] Use js library Vue * [new] Design layout changed for To-do Lists. * [new] Real time update every action for To-do lists. * [new] Two way data binding for to-do list edit * [new] Two way data binding for task edit * [new] Task lazy loading. * [new] Vue routing for single To-do list * [new] Real time pagination. * [new] Completed and incomplete label added for corresponding tasks in single to-list. * [update] Discussion editor changed from tricks to tinymce. * [update] Real time change of progress bar. * [update] Assign user to task options changed from choosen to Vue multiselect. * [update] User avatar(gravatar) link changed form 404 to mm * [fix] Remove comments link from overview. * [fix] All functionalities for to-do list. = 1.5.1 - September 19, 2016 = * [new] Send Email Notification when a comment updates. * [new] Add filter for how many letter to show when image name is long in files tab. * [fix] Fixed conflict with buddypress. * [fix] Fixed Project creation capability and update language files. * [fix] Made Report print friendly. * [fix] Files tab loading improvement. * [fix] Show all comments in newly uploaded file view. * [fix] Client view private discussion. = 1.5 - August 20, 2016 = * [new] Report section new design (*pro*). * [new] New Report item added (*pro*). * [new] Files tab new design and add new feature in pro version (*pro*). * [new] Add option for create document and connect to other online Docs (*pro*). * [new] Add option to upload files / attachment direct to a project (*pro*). * [fix] Duplicate mail send on project create. * [fix] Change cpm_get_option function. = 1.4.3 - May 30, 2016 = * [fix] Milestone input date and project redirect issue after create. * [fix] Sorting completed milestone * [fix] Image broken in emails * [fix] File upload on first discussion problem fix. * [fix] Task Done/Undone tick problem fix. * [fix] New user create on project create or update problem fix. * [fix] Department or personal projects show in ERP integration. = 1.4.2 - April 6, 2016 = * [fix] Project permission problem in free version = 1.4.1 - March 28, 2016 = * [new] Task list sticky option added as a replacement for sorting * [new] Proper mime type icon set * [new] Initial ERP integration added * [fix] Front-end URL issue = 1.4 - March 13, 2016 = * [new] UI Re-designed * [new] Tasks now have a description field * [tweak] As now we have description in tasks, previous tasks were updated. * [tweak] Project post_type changed from `project` to `cpm_project` * [tweak] Task post_type changed from `task` to `cpm_task` * [tweak] Task List post_type changed from `task_list` to `cpm_task_list` * [tweak] Milestone post_type changed from `milestone` to `cpm_milestone` * [tweak] Message post_type changed from `message` to `cpm_message` * [tweak] project_category taxonomy changed from `project_category` to `cpm_project_category` = 1.3.8 - October 20, 2015 = * [fix] Front-end current task, outstanding task and completed task url problem fix * [fix] Without login can access front-end problem fix * [fix] Current task, outstanding task and completed task live update problem fix. * [fix] Fetch outstanding and completed task problem fix = 1.3.7 - October 15, 2015 = * [fix] Fix LogicException on autoloader = 1.3.6 - October 15, 2015 = * [fix][pro] Add category for front-end * [fix] Email notification subject issue fixed = 1.3.5 - September 29, 2015 = * [fix] User role and items table weren't being created during install = 1.3.4 - September 19, 2015 = * [fix] Pagination error fix in free version * [fix] Project manage/create cap option brought back to free * [fix] Version upgrader issue fixed = 1.3.3 - September 15, 2015 = * [fix] Single project permission issue = 1.3.2 - September 14, 2015 = * [fix] Project Duplication error * [fix] New task assignmed email subject was missing = 1.3.1 - September 11, 2015 = * [fix] File missing problem for front-end * [fix] Plugin path in updater = 1.3 - September 3, 2015 = * [improved] Free/Pro separation. Massive code change * [improved] Email notification templates updated. Removed the settings from admin. = 0.4.6 = * Fix: new project popup, some bug was still in the 0.4.5 version. = 0.4.5 = * Fix: new project popup * New: Pagination support on projects = 0.4.4 = * Language files updated * New action hooks and JS triggers added * Settings API updated = 0.4.3 = * new: Spanish translation * new: German translation * new: Indonesian translation * fix: milestone datepicker issue * fix: some typo fixes * improved: comment count next to tasklists = 0.4.2 = * bug fix: project activity/comments on frontend widget * bug fix: project activity/comments on comment rss * bug fix: number of milestones * improved: plugin textdomain loading * new: project task progressbar on project listing * new: tasklist sorting * new: task sorting * new: Dutch translation language added * new: Brazilian Portuguese language added = 0.4.1 = * bug fix: attachment association problem on comment update * bug fix: error on message update = 0.4 = * improved: default email format changed to 'text/plain' from 'text/html' * improved: toggle added on user notification selection * improved: only date was showing on single message details, time added * improved: some filters added on URLs * bug fix: actual file url hidden on files tab for privacy * bug fix: any user could edit any users message * bug fix: any user could delete any users message * new: admin settings page added * new: email template added * new: French translation added * new: file upload size settings added = 0.3.1 = * comment update bug fix * project activity is now grouped by date * "load more" button added on project activity * some function documentation added. = 0.3 = * Translation capability added * Attachment security added. All files are now served via a proxy script for security with permission checking. = 0.2.1 = * Comments display error fix = 0.2 = * Remove comments from listing publicly * Post types are hidden from search = 0.1 = Initial version released == Upgrade Notice == BREAKING CHANGE: v2.0 release is a major version and introduces breaking changes by re-writing the whole plugin. Please test the plugin before updating from v1.x. Taking a database backup is adviced.