= v2.4.12 - May 07, 2021 = **Notice** Limited time promotion on account of Eid. = v2.4.11 - March 17, 2021 = **Notice** Limited time promotion for weDevs’ birthday. = v2.4.10 - Feb 13, 2021 = **Fix** Vulnerable security issue. = v2.4.9 - Jan 26, 2021 = **Fix** Email notification was showing the wrong task completed user name. **Fix** Every member can see every project. **Fix** First-time task lists were not loading from the notification email. **Update** Alignment problem when creating the new project. = v2.4.8 - Dec 18, 2020 = **Update** Task query updated for filtering tasks by complete_at date range. **Fix** Completed tasks were not showing on my-task. **Fix** Made the icons inline alignment on the subtask create form. = v2.4.7 - Dec 10, 2020 = **Update** PSR-4 standard **Fix** Project pagination was not working when all projects are deleted from the current page. **Fix** Fixed the task pagination problem. It was not working when a task is deleted. = v2.4.6 - Nov 21, 2020 = **Fix** User capability is not chanting after save it. **Fix** User can not access their reports from my-task. **Fix** Email footer logo is not appearing. = v2.4.5 - Nov 11, 2020 = **New** Help tooltip in single task. **Update** Rewrite email template. **Fixed** Pagination back button is not working for project page. = v2.4.4 - Oct 08, 2020 = **New** Introduce new library simshaun/recurr. **New** Added the remove format option in project manager text editor. **Fixed** In text editor, after type '@' the list of users exceeds outside of the modal. **Fix** Task assigned all users can change the task type. **Fix** User can not delete their own created task comments. **Fix** Remove the HTML tag from milestone title. = v2.4.3 - Sep 10, 2020 = **Update** In dashboard project menu bar has been rearranged. **Update** In single task now user can navigate to project and task list. **Fix** Co-worker can not be deleted in self created task comment. **Fix** In frontend project manager date picker was not showing in single task. **Fix** In my task, task create form did not change the list even the project has been change. **Fix** Project title was missing from my-task. = v2.4.2 - Aug 26, 2020 = * **Fix** Single task popup is not appearing. = v2.4.1 - Aug 25, 2020 = * **New** Add new task type for individual task. * **Fix** During task update the date picker was not showing. * **Fix** Was not able to delete the task list description. * **Fix** Optimize code for security issue. * **Fix** Task list title was not able to update. * **Fix** Completed project was not able to restore. = v2.4.0 - Jul 17, 2020 = * **New** Component for pm-vue2-daterange-picker, pm-button, pm-do-slot. * **New** Change all date picker from all forms. * **New** Manage do-action content without any wrapper. * **New** API end point is now working for all permalink. * **Update** UI/UX for creating new task. * **Update** UI/UX for add new members from single task popup. * **Update** UI/UX for task due date from single task popup. * **Fix** Could not download files from the project. = v2.3.11 - Jun 16, 2020 = * **Fix** API end point is now working for all permalink. * **Fix** My-task calendar missing current date task. * **Fix** In my-task, The task is not updating after user closing the single task popup. * **Fix** In My- task user can not select the date range during the task create time. * **Fix** User can not delete self created task-list. * **Fix** In content text should not break in middle of the word (style change break-all to break-word). = v2.3.10 - May 05, 2020 = * **Fix** Task load more is not working for co-worker. = v2.3.9 - Apr 30, 2020 = * **New** New function for getting tasks, messages, milestones, discussions, projects, comments, files, users. * **New** Project description shows upon clicking on the description button. * **Update** Load more buttons showing twice after deleting completed task. * **Fix** On My task overview graph showing error when there are no task. * **Fix** Task assigned date is not showing in a single task popup. * **Fix** Progress bar continue loading after clicking on Clear button on the task filter. = v2.3.8 - Mar 12, 2020 = * **New** New function for getting tasks, messages, milestones, discussions, projects, comments, files, users. * **New** Toggle Project description. * **Fix** Overview graph showing error when there is no task. * **Fix** Task assigned date is not showing in single task popup. * **Fix** Progress bar continue loading when clearing the task filter. * **Update** The unnecessary load more button is showing when delete completed task. = v2.3.8 - Mar 12, 2020 = * **New** Add fileter for removing project unique title. * **Fix** Fixing Multiside completable issues. * **Update** Update query for fetching users to make Multi-site compatible. = v2.3.7 - Feb 27, 2020 = * **Fix** In favorite project section 'all projects' were showing. * **Fix** Task notification mails contains raw html. * **Fix** Set 200 character limit when adding a new task. = v2.3.6 - Feb 10, 2020 = * **New** Set date range picker in my-task section to filter tasks. * **New** Set date range picker in my-task overview to filter activities. * **New** Duplicate a task from task-list. * **New** New components are, pm-button, pm-dropdown-menu, pm-triangle-box, pm-click-wrap, pm-popup-modal, pm-date-range-picker. * **Update** Redesigned task-create form. * **Update** Replace jQuery date picker to date range picker. * **Update** Some features are moved from task create form to single task page. * **Fix** Assigned manager in a project was not getting mail at project create time. * **Fix** Make Multi-site compatible for fetching co-worker. * **Fix** Invisible tools menu for co-worker. * **Fix** Co-workers could not edit their created task. * **Fix** 'Inbox' task create form was showing for all pagination page. * **Fix** Showing invalid date after search outstanding task. * **Fix** Favorite project was not working. = v2.3.5 - Dec 19, 2019 = * **New** Add privacy policy in product description. * **Fix** Sanitize data while updating task. * **Fix** Add extra data validation on database query. = v2.3.4 - Nov 15, 2019 = * **Fix** Task label are inserted two times while updating task. * **Fix** Task update buttons can not be selected for tooltip. * **Update** Project assigned users has been removed from user search results. * **Update** Add text limit on task title. = v2.3.3 - Nov 10, 2019 = * **New** Integrate with Pusher for real time notification. * **New** Include seeder for project, task-list and task. * **New** Set filter in project fetch 'join' and 'where' query. * **Fix** Task update popover menu used to break when task title was long. * **Update** Reset button on task-list search. = v2.3.2 - Oct 10, 2019 = * **Fix** Conflict with elementor. * **Update** Toastr library. = v2.3.1 - Sep 26, 2019 = * **New** User can create new task from my-task section. * **New** Sorting my-task table column. * **Update** My-tasks menu is not appear in front-end. * **Update** Reduce loading executing time for project home page. * **Update** Refactoring code for getting projects data. = v2.3.0 - Sep 09, 2019 = * **New** Remove current task, outstanding task and completed task tabs from my tasks. * **New** Advanced task filtering option according to current task, outstanding task and completed task in my tasks section. * **New** pm_capabilities, pm_role_project, pm_role_project_capabilities, pm_role_project_users table for permission management. * **Update** Change single task popup url from my-task to single task lists. * **Fix** Progress load more is not working. = v2.2.4 - Jul 22, 2019 = * **New** Task title field in task list search form. * **Fix** Task sorting is not working. * **Fix** Prevent sorting for default task list (Inbox). * **Update** Showing 'more task' button even there is not task. = v2.2.3 - Jun 15, 2019 = * **Update** Task list search query. * **Fix** After drag and drop task is not updating from my-task calendar. * **Fix** Milestone disapear after reloding the page. = v2.2.2 - Jun 28, 2019 = * **New** Action hook in task list page 'pm_after_task_content'. * **New** Event initiation after task user update 'after_update_single_task_user'. * **New** Action hook before delete task list 'pm_before_delete_task_list'. * **Update** User gets mail at task updating time even the task is not updated. * **Update** Archived tasks will not appear on MyTask calendar. * **Update** New tasks are listing in the descending order in the task lists. * **Fix** User can remove administrator from manage capability permission. * **Fix** Inbox task list does not appear at the top of the task lists. * **Fix** compact(): undefined index variable problem for php 7.3 * **Fix** Text domain 'pm' to 'wedevs-project-manager'. * **Fix** Task lists menu is not activating while clicking pagination. = v2.2.1 - Jun 14, 2019 = * **Fix** Fatal error undefined function. = v2.2.0 - Jun 14, 2019 = * **New** Added my task menu from where individual users can check their completed, current and outstanding tasks. * **Fix** Assigned users can not find the task description. * **Fix** Add new user in project does not appear in task users dropdown at task create or edit time. * **Fix** A newly added user in a project did not appear in the dropdown i.e in the list of users while adding, creating or editing a task. * **Fix** User can not udpate task comment from single task popup. * **Fix** A newly added user does not appear in project update form. = v2.1.0 - May 18, 2019 = * **New** Trello Integration. * **Fix** Fixed co-worker & client create task activities. * **Fix** Removed usermap from global setting. * **Fix** Removed unnecessary dashicons and added title to files. * **Fix** Resolved conflict from setting header. * **Fix** Fixed project edit form get closed when user click out side. = v2.0.15 - May 02, 2019 = * **Fix** Load more Completed & Incompleted task. * **Fix** Pagination slug of completed task. * **Fix** Optimize task queries for retrieving task ids. * **Fix** The naming of variable "$milestones" to "$milestone" at filter 'pm_milestone_show_query' = v2.0.14 - April 11, 2019 = * **New** Included filter at task activity and after create comment. * **Update** Remove search user minimum 3 character condition. * **Update** Remove tooltip from list view and kanboard view button. * **Update** Migrated from icomoon to Flaticon. * **Fix** API authentication problem. * **Fix** Some textdomain. = v2.0.13 - March 04, 2019 = * **New** Set loading effect for 'Load more' task. * **New** Set loading effect at task list page and list archive page nevigation. * **New** Set loading effect at task list pagination. * **New** New library v-tooltip * **Fix** Any kinds of url added extra   from tinymce text filed. * **Fix** After project edit, the description is not updated real time. * **Fix** Less file is not built to css file. * **Update** Set target blank in tinymce posted url. = v2.0.12 - Feb 15, 2019 = * **New** New filter welcome page redirect. * **Fix** Task pagination did not work. * **Fix** Close button did not work in new project form. * **Fix** Milestone due date did not update. * **Update** Set permission at user create time from project overview page. = v2.0.11 - Feb 08, 2019 = * **New** Integrate with popper js. * **New** Welcome page. * **New** Premium page. * **Fix** Change task list fetch query. * **Fix** Change task fetch query. * **Fix** File upload problem from discussion section. * **Fix** After close single task the list page is refreshing. * **Fix** Remove html tag from email content. * **Fix** Color picker does not work. = v2.0.10 - Dec 19, 2018 = * **Hotfix** Fatal error at page and post edit time. = v2.0.9 - Dec 19, 2018 = * **New** Update user from overview page. * **New** Move tasks from one list to another. * **Update** Permission for project delete. * **Fix** Project update time dialog-box close automatically. * **Fix** Conflict with text editor and datepicker problem for task create. * **Fix** Date-picker auto close, when select a date. * **Fix** Coding standard according wordpress. = v2.0.8 - Nov 29, 2018 = * **New** Project home page redesign. * **New** Close single task popup with ESC button. * **New** Single task popup is enable from activity page. * **Update** Task filter form alignment. * **Fix** Relative date for comments. * **Fix** Tabindex for texteditor. * **Fix** Latest activity for single task. * **Fix** More task button missing from completed tasks. * **Fix** Date picker auto hide problem. * **Fix** Task list responsive issue. * **Remove** Slicknav library. = v2.0.7 - November 08, 2018 = * **New** Switch project with key binding cmd+j/clt+j. * **New** Task list page redesign. * **New** Single task list page redesign. * **New** System default task list inbox. * **New** All description fields with validation and sanitization at edit time. * **New** Project title should be unique. * **Fix** Task filter query. * **Fix** Task and task-list sorting supported in mobile. = v2.0.6 - Oct 02, 2018 = * **New** Set permission setting for user mail notification. * **New** Task single page redesign. * **New** Show activity in single task page. * **New** Projects can mark as favourite by users. * **New** Added completed_by and completed_at fields in pm_tasks database table. * **New** Added status field in pm_broad database table. * **New** Support for video file upload. * **New** New user notification. * **New** Advanced task filter from task list page. * **New** Set deleted activity log in activity section. * **Fix** Invalid time issue in activity page. * **Fix** Overview graph for last 3o days activity * **Fix** Get email notification when update discussion = v2.0.5 - August 16, 2018 = * **New** Added filters for getting custom query in all transformers. * **New** Project description in html format. * **Fix** Undefined task title from activity. * **Fix** Single task popup close automatically. * **Fix** Activity count when delete an element. * **Fix** Manage capability return false, when user role is not found. * **Fix** Some translation issues. * **Fix** Some compatibility issue on internet explorer. * **Fix** Task assignee input field is not updating when assignee user field is Empty * **Fix** Task list milestone input field is not updating when milestone is Empty = v2.0.4 - July 27, 2018 = * **Fix** Download link for wedevs project manager php-5.6. = v2.0.3 - July 27, 2018 = * **New** List drag, drop and reorder. * **New** Task independently switch in task lists. * **New** Added categry pagination. * **Fix** Date format problem for task and overviews graph. * **Update** Activity date format change. * **Update** Load All Categories in select form. * **Update** Load all HTTP request with GET and POST methods. = v2.0.2 - July 23, 2018 = * **New** Create function for getting individual task. * **New** Hook for all CRUD (Create, Read, Update and Delete) * **Fix** Task complete and incomplete issues in microsoft edge browser. * **Fix** Pagination set -1 for per page and its getting error. * **Fix** Multisite installation and upgrade. * **Fix** Translation for vue files. * **Fix** Fetch project in single task page. * **Fix** Reduce conflict with WPERP plugin. * **Fix** JS make compitable with IE>8. = v2.0.1 - Jun 29, 2018 = * **Fix:** Fix database migration problem upon updating the plugin. = v2.0 - Jun 28, 2018 = * **BREAKING**: This **v2.0** release is a major version and introduces breaking changes by re-writing the whole plugin. Please test the plugin before updating from v1.x. Taking a **database backup** is adviced. * **New:** REST API added. Now you can access everything of project manager via the API. Creating of mobile apps would be much easier. * **New:** Moved from custom post type to custom database tables, which performs a lot faster. * **New:** We have re-written the Project Management UI, powered by [Vue.js](https://vuejs.org/). This introduces a SPA (Single Page Application) with blazing fast page loading and a snappier user experience. * **Bug Fixes:** We have also squashed a lot pesky bugs under the hood. = 1.6.16 - Jun 11, 2018 = * [fixed] Project title is overlaping on RTL language. * [fixed] Could not select project category while creating/editing a project. * [fixed] Single task is not re-rendering = 1.6.15 - May 10, 2018 = * [fixed] Task list is not showing when using the Internet Explorer browser. * [fixed] Projects dashboard display missing alignment. * [Update] Improved plugin strings. = 1.6.14 - April 26, 2018 = * [fixed] Task is not showing after clicking on a task from the calendar. * [fixed] Mail notificaation system not working. * [fixed] Category menu selection while creating project not working on RLT. * [fixed] RTL display missing alignment on milestone. = 1.6.13 - April 12, 2018 = * [fixed] RTL display missing alignment. * [fixed] Settings menu is not showing properly on projects header. * [fixed] Project settings page translation not working. = 1.6.12 - March 22, 2018 = * [fixed] Showing HTML markup in task descriptions when we enter plain text. * [fixed] To-do list, Discussion, milestone, page translation not working. * [fixed] Projects page translation not working. * [update] Improved plugin strings. = 1.6.11 - February 26, 2018 = * [fix] Notify users while commenting in a task. * [fix] Trix-editor intregration with the WP ERP. * [fix] Compatible with the Microsoft Edge browser. * [fix] Task re-ordering. * [fix] Project list and grid view compatible with all browsers. = 1.6.10 - November 27, 2017 = * [new] Vuejs loading made compact. * [new] Included vuejs in project file. * [update] Included file download attributes. * [update] Notify manager when updating comments. * [fix] Navigate to a task from the calendar. * [fix] User search problem fixed when creating a project. * [fix] Text editor style problem fixed. = 1.6.9 - August 24, 2017 = * [Fix] CPM free loader class active after loading WP all plugins * [Fix] All co-workers get mail after completed the task * [new] weForms Upsell Class = 1.6.8 - August 17, 2017 = * [Fix] Prevent the loading trix-editor for all WP page. * [Fix] Text formating retained got from others editor. * [Fix] Creating second task does change the date of first task. * [new] Add new component cpm-datepicker = 1.6.7 - August 01, 2017 = * [new] Js Tiptip library has been added. * [update] Condition applied when showing calender on setting tast start date. * [update] Date icon has been shown if no date was set. * [update] Description icon has been shown if no description was set. * [update] Co-Worker icon has been shown if no Co-Worker was set in the task. * [fix] Double date picker shown at task date update time. * [fix] Undefined index errors. = 1.6.6 - July 31, 2017 = * [new] Task title update from single task page. * [new] Task privacy update from single task page. * [new] Task description update from single task page. * [new] Task start and end date update from single task page. * [new] Add user/co-worker/client from single task page. * [fix] Unable to complete task. * [fix] When complete a task then this completed task shown double in the to-do list. * [fix] Double "New To-Do" button shown. * [update] 'Get project id' function always return false. * [update] Design change for single task page. = 1.6.5 - July 6, 2017 = * [fix] Co-worker can not show the list corner menu. * [fix] Co-Worker could not notifying when add or update project. * [fix] Double "New To-Do" button shown and also cpm-new-todolist-form has shown when clicked "New To-Do" List button. * [fix] Project create permission. * [fix] Get complete and incomplete task query * [fix] Change routing effect at todo-list page to another page = 1.6.4 - June 22, 2017 = * [new] Task list-view on the right corner in to-do list section. * [update] Notify co-workers on task completion. * [update] Task update action hook. * [update] Style sheets updated. * [update] Some javascript refactored. * [fix] Wrong color is showing for a task on basis of task competion status. * [fix] PHP warning on project overview. * [fix] PHP warning on my task overview. = 1.6.3 - June 07, 2017 = * [new] Drag and drop sortability added to the task * [update] Task color scheme. * [update] Activity graph color scheme in my task section. * [update] Single task redirection in my task section. * [update] Project duplication. * [update] Project overview section. * [fix] Grid/List view action on project listing is not working. * [fix] Project overview graph is not working. * [fix] Not all users of a project is being duplicated when duplicating a project. * [fix] Notification is sent to the co-workers when a project is created. * [fix] Unable to comment in a task when it is redirected from current task in my task. * [fix] Unable to comment in a task when it is redirected from outstanding task in mytask. * [fix] Unable to comment in a task when it is redirected from competed task in my task. * [fix] User selection is not working in my task. * [fix] Date section is not working in activity graph in my task. * [fix] Red color is showing for current task in my task. * [fix] Overview section in my task is not working * [fix] Activity section in my task is not working * [fix] Current task section in my task is not working * [fix] Outstanding task section in my task is not working * [fix] Completed task section in my task is not working * [fix] File attachment is not working when commenting in the file section of a project. * [fix] Unable to delete a comment in the file section of a project. * [fix] Commenting in a discussion board is not working. * [fix] Editing a comment in a discussion board is not working. * [fix] Deleting a comment in a discussion board is not working. * [fix] Javascript shows error when commenting, editing comments and deleting comments in discussion board. = 1.6.2 - April 27, 2017 = * [new] Email template for mentioning users in a comment. [pro] * [new] Moment js dependency added. * [new] Compatibility for mentioning users in a comment. * [update] Include filter for register project post type. * [update] Include filter for register project taxonomy. * [update] Change pagination position from left to right. * [update] Pagination has been shown up and down of to-do lists content. * [update] Single task url. * [update] To-do lists progress bar. * [update] Unnecessary parameters removed form wp_enqueue_script in cpm. * [update] Array declaration according to lower version of php. * [fix] Can’t use function return value in write context. * [fix] Syntax error, unexpected '[' * [fix] Filtering for to-do lists private view. * [fix] Filtering problem for the visibility of to-do lists create button. * [fix] List style problem in tiny-MCE comment box while commenting on discussion board. * [fix] WP nonce problem in project discussion. = 1.6.1 - April 11, 2017 = * [fix] Load JS files only in todo list page * [fix] Fix typo in todo list privacy checking capability * [fix] Shortcode rendering in comments * [fix] Remove users from notification panel outside of the project members * [fix] Removed PHP array shorthand declaration * [fix] Single task URL problem in My Task = 1.6 - April 08, 2017 = * [new] Use js library Vue * [new] Design layout changed for To-do Lists. * [new] Real time update every action for To-do lists. * [new] Two way data binding for to-do list edit * [new] Two way data binding for task edit * [new] Task lazy loading. * [new] Vue routing for single To-do list * [new] Real time pagination. * [new] Completed and incomplete label added for corresponding tasks in single to-list. * [update] Discussion editor changed from tricks to tinymce. * [update] Real time change of progress bar. * [update] Assign user to task options changed from choosen to Vue multiselect. * [update] User avatar(gravatar) link changed form 404 to mm * [fix] Remove comments link from overview. * [fix] All functionalities for to-do list. = 1.5.1 - September 19, 2016 = * [new] Send Email Notification when a comment updates. * [new] Add filter for how many letter to show when image name is long in files tab. * [fix] Fixed conflict with buddypress. * [fix] Fixed Project creation capability and update language files. * [fix] Made Report print friendly. * [fix] Files tab loading improvement. * [fix] Show all comments in newly uploaded file view. * [fix] Client view private discussion. = 1.5 - August 20, 2016 = * [new] Report section new design. * [new] New Report item added. * [new] Files tab new design and add new feature in pro version. * [new] Add option for create document and connect to other online Docs. * [new] Add option to upload files / attachment direct to a project. * [fix] Duplicate mail send on project create. * [fix] Change cpm_get_option function. = 1.4.3 - May 30, 2016 = * [fix] Milestone input date and project redirect issue after create. * [fix] Sorting completed milestone * [fix] Image broken in emails * [fix] File upload on first discussion problem fix. * [fix] Task Done/Undone tick problem fix. * [fix] New user create on project create or update problem fix. * [fix] Department or personal projects show in ERP integration. = 1.4.2 - April 6, 2016 = * [fix] Project permission problem in free version = 1.4.1 - March 28, 2016 = * [new] Task list sticky option added as a replacement for sorting * [new] Proper mime type icon set * [new] Initial ERP integration added * [fix] Front-end URL issue = 1.4 - March 13, 2016 = * [new] UI Re-designed * [new] Tasks now have a description field * [tweak] As now we have description in tasks, previous tasks were updated. * [tweak] Project post_type changed from `project` to `cpm_project` * [tweak] Task post_type changed from `task` to `cpm_task` * [tweak] Task List post_type changed from `task_list` to `cpm_task_list` * [tweak] Milestone post_type changed from `milestone` to `cpm_milestone` * [tweak] Message post_type changed from `message` to `cpm_message` * [tweak] project_category taxonomy changed from `project_category` to `cpm_project_category` = 1.3.8 - October 20, 2015 = * [fix] Front-end current task, outstanding task and completed task url problem fix * [fix] Without login can access front-end problem fix * [fix] Current task, outstanding task and completed task live update problem fix. * [fix] Fetch outstanding and completed task problem fix = 1.3.7 - October 15, 2015 = * [fix] Fix LogicException on autoloader = 1.3.6 - October 15, 2015 = * [fix][pro] Add category for front-end * [fix] Email notification subject issue fixed = 1.3.5 - September 29, 2015 = * [fix] User role and items table weren't being created during install = 1.3.4 - September 19, 2015 = * [fix] Pagination error fix in free version * [fix] Project manage/create cap option brought back to free * [fix] Version upgrader issue fixed = 1.3.3 - September 15, 2015 = * [fix] Single project permission issue = 1.3.2 - September 14, 2015 = * [fix] Project Duplication error * [fix] New task assignmed email subject was missing = 1.3.1 - September 11, 2015 = * [fix] File missing problem for front-end * [fix] Plugin path in updater = 1.3 - September 3, 2015 = * [improved] Free/Pro separation. Massive code change * [improved] Email notification templates updated. Removed the settings from admin. = 1.2.2 - June 9, 2015 = * [fix] Fatal error on frontend = 1.2.1 - June 7, 2015 = * [fix] Project report datepicker wasn't showing * [fix] URL management for admin/frontend * [improved] Plugin updater = 1.2 - June 4, 2015 = * [new] Project Reporting * [new] Progress accross all the projects * [new] JSON REST API integration added = 1.1 - April 19, 2015 = * [new] Daily digest feature added * [improved] Plugin upgrade routine updated = 1.0 - March 1, 2015 = * [fix] Project delete time shoud be deleted all child post * [fix] Active Tabs not working for To-do Lists & Settings * [fix] Comment link problem for Subtask * [improved] Duplicate project - To-do lists order lost * [new] assign a task to more than one user * [new] Search feature * [new] Filter projects by clients * [new] Pagination in project home page * [fix] Files Tab Doesn't show any attachement to Client * [fix] Long Project Title Problem * [new] witch for disabling certain E-mail notification * [fix] Project manager date format is fixed * [fix] E-mail URL Problem * [new] Email Notification ON/OFF feature * [fix] Link in message body not working * [new] Rich text editor = 0.5.3 - April 19, 2014 = * [fix] 1 day decrease due to gmt_offset when updating todo * [fix] Added checking on single message/todo/milestone for unauthorized access * [new] BCC on/off settings for notification * [improved] Scrolling project people when more peoples are added on listing = 0.5.2 - Mar 25, 2014 = * [fix] privacy bug in milestone * [fix] project_category removed from project filter * [fix] milestone duplicate assignment * [fix] milestone lock icon * [fix] addons menu removed for other users = 0.5.1 = * default from email field added * separate calender and my task script function * avatar bug fix * stopwatch function removed * task trigger position changed * remove font family * number of projects bug fix in listing = 0.5 = * Pro version released = 0.4.3 = * new: Spanish translation * new: German translation * new: Indonesian translation * fix: milestone datepicker issue * fix: some typo fixes * improved: comment count next to tasklists ### 0.4.2 * bug fix: project activity/comments on frontend widget * bug fix: project activity/comments on comment rss * bug fix: number of milestones * improved: plugin textdomain loading * new: project task progressbar on project listing * new: tasklist sorting * new: task sorting * new: Dutch translation language added * new: Brazilian Portuguese language added ### 0.4.1 * bug fix: attachment association problem on comment update * bug fix: error on message update ### 0.4 * improved: default email format changed to 'text/plain' from 'text/html' * improved: toggle added on user notification selection * improved: only date was showing on single message details, time added * improved: some filters added on URLs * bug fix: actual file url hidden on files tab for privacy * bug fix: any user could edit any users message * bug fix: any user could delete any users message * new: admin settings page added * new: email template added * new: French translation added * new: file upload size settings added ### 0.3.1 * comment update bug fix * project activity is now grouped by date * "load more" button added on project activity * some function documentation added. ### 0.3 * Translation capability added * Attachment security added. All files are now served via a proxy script for security with permission checking. ### 0.2.1 * Comments display error fix ### 0.2 * Remove comments from listing publicly * Post types are hidden from search ### 0.1 Initial version released